Sunday, June 05, 2005

Digital Scene-painting

I've been spending time over half term learning to paint scenery on the computer ( when I could wrest the computer away from my daughter and 'Age of Mythology', that is). This is one of three scenes for a play to be staged at the Theatre Royal this week, and they are to be projected - back projected? I'm not sure how, but I'll find out when I take a busload of children to see it tomorrow night. It had better work, because I'm doing the backdrops for our school production of 'Guys & Dolls' later this month... It's supposed to be a street in 1940's Lambeth.


Blogger isay said...

why on earth am i not living there?.....great illo!

9:47 pm  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Of course! Gone are the days of only handpainted backdrops with lighting effects for stage. Yet another art changed by the digital age. Love your 1940s Lambeth scene!

12:27 am  
Blogger Melicrious said...

I came across you blog from IF but I noticed we are on the same blog ring too!

Your illos remind me of quentin blake and I love your envy. It made me chuckle.

I also really love the title of your blog! have you got more stories on the ginger and non ginger cat? They look like the funniest characters :D

3:23 am  

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