Sunday, March 27, 2005


This is my submission for Illustration Friday. It's entirely done in Painter (version 5.5) and based on memories of a lot of crowded buses in London and Bury St Edmunds. I thought of drawing a Noah's Ark picture, but the anteater's expression wouldn't go right so I changed tack. Click on picture for full-size image.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Picking a daisy

Picking a daisy

We've just broken up from school for Easter after a couple of unexpected spring days, and the daisies are starting their annual battle with the school mower. This was one that got away. I used Expression 3 and a crow quill brush for the line drawing, and watercolour brushes in Painter for the rest. I've submitted this one to Illustration Friday (another step in the dark!)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Finished at last!
I've been working on these with one of my classes since last summer, and we finally put them in position this Friday, in front of the whole school. They are modelled on two of the boys, and made of chicken wire, wood and plaster bandage. And now they're leaning on the parapet over the Robert Adam porch, waving to the world.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Sharon, my Essex Girl

Essex Girl

I'm sticking another toe in the water...a submission for the Month of Softies. This is my interpretation of 'Self-portrait of the Artist as a Young Child' - I'm an Essex girl by birth, and Sharon is a proud representative of the species.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sheep drawn with Painter

What am I doing here?

The empty screen is worse than the blank piece of paper (especially when it's only empty because it has eaten my carefully-composed first post...). At least I can fill the paper with scribble and drawings, and usually do. I intend to fill this space with drawings and some scribble. I'm a teacher, an illustrator, a messer-around with computers. I'm learning as I go.

Non-GingerCat and GingerCat take the stage for the first time.