Back in the spring, I joined up to Beth Berst's collaborative print project, where 12 artists were supposed to make a print with the theme found:in japan, send 12 copies to her, and she would turn them into a very limited edition of 12 handmade books. The finished book is now online on her website
I found myself involved in a fascinating process, which I could share with the children at school over the summer term, as they worked on their own printmaking. They particularly liked the bits where I went wrong...
Although I meant to pick a sensible and intelligent theme, I ended up with Godzilla and his noodles. I did have to do some serious picture research to check exactly how Godzilla differs from any other large reptilian monster.
I've done some woodcuts before, but only tackled single-colour images. Sorting out multiple blocks was interesting; I never quite got the registration perfect. I used cherry ply and a big, solid craft knife. Until this project, I've always used the sticky colours sold for lino printing, and This time, I experimented with watercolours and flour paste (only it was wheat not rice because I was too impatient to start) and some gel stuff I found at the back of the Art room cupboard, and I printed onto the soft paper used for chinese brush painting. The print above is a trial of the main block.